From Library Director, Tristan Boswell
I recently read an article that looked at how there is research emerging that learning a second language could help with the ability to remember, multitask, plan, and focus. This is epescially true for the brain as it ages.
I have to approach language learning with a sense of humor, because it isn't a strength of mine. I have been trying to work on practicing Spanish and I utilize the database that is free from the library called Transparent Languages. It is especially nice because it allows you to create your own personal login, it tracks your progress, and there 120+ langauges to learn from. I hope someday to be able to communicate effectively enough to help people if they come into the library with a question.
You can sign up using your library card from our website under Digital Services.
¡Gracias por leer!
Tristan Boswell Library Director South Milwaukee Public Library